Who are PCAS?

27th August 2024

Who is PCAS?

PCAS offers supported living in shared houses or self-contained properties, for people who are neurodivergent, have learning differences, or have mental health needs. We work in partnership with providers of social housing to offer only the highest quality of accommodation as we recognise that the environment in which people live can impact their overall well-being.

PCAS was started in 2017 by Michelle Elliott and Craig Crockford. Having both worked in the social care sector for many years, their vision was to create high-quality support services that are flexible, responsive, creative, and individualised. This has expanded to include a commitment to only working with landlords who can provide the right quality of accommodation, in the right residential areas. PCAS started with one small office, a desk, and a computer and has grown significantly since the start both organically and through acquisition. The vision remains the same to this day. The business now operates across Kent and employs over 180 staff.

At PCAS, we focus on ability, not disability, and strive to maintain and improve independence through our person-centred approach to support working. Our compassionate team of support workers are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment, fostering independence, and promoting a sense of community. We understand the unique needs of each person we serve and strive to deliver personalised care that goes beyond expectations. With a focus on empathy, respect, and inclusivity, we aim to be a beacon of support for individuals and their families. 

Our main office is located in Faversham but we also have satellite offices in other areas across the county. We are now ready to expand our operations further into the South East and will be opening a supported living scheme in surrounding counties in the next twelve months. We look forward to meeting with you in the coming month to discuss your priorities.

Interested in seeing more of what PCAS do? Follow us on social media! Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube


Get in touch

  • Saphir House, 5 Jubilee Way Faversham Kent ME13 8GD
  • Telephone 03300 535919

Follow PCAS Kent online

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