Q n A with Area Manager: Libby

10th August 2023

Q n A with Area Manager: Libby

Could you share what you enjoy the most about working at PCAS and helping individuals with disabilities become more independent and confident?

I enjoy working at PCAS as it allows me to not only be a part in supporting individuals that use the service to develop, but to also offer guidance and support to our amazing staff team that go above and beyond to make a difference every day. I love to see those we support making positive changes and developments in their lives and am proud to be a part of that journey.

"As an Area Manager at PCAS, what's been the most rewarding moment in your career so far? We'd love to hear about a special experience that touched your heart."

There have been countless rewarding moments while working at PCAS. It’s impossible to pick just one. Every achievement is rewarding in its own way, from day to day achievements like supporting someone to do something that they find challenging, to being part of a team that supports an individual to move onto their next step for independence.

"In your role at PCAS, what strategies do you use to maximize your team's potential and inspire their dedication to enhancing the lives of the individuals they support?"

Each team member has their own strengths. It’s important to recognise these and use their strengths in the right places. I recently received a letter from one of the people we support, thanking all of our staff. They identified an activity or aspect of life that each staff member had supported them with. All of them were different- It’s so important to have a diverse staff team to allow us to meet a variety of needs and goals.


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  • Saphir House, 5 Jubilee Way Faversham Kent ME13 8GD
  • Telephone 03300 535919

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